GameStick Kickstarted

Not too long ago we saw OUYA, the Android powered game console, getting funded in a day through Kickstarter. They offered a small, open and novel type of product for $99.
It is a new year and this time around the people over at GameStick are pitching a new, open, but portable console running on Android. The company is asking for $100 000, which is a tenth of the goal of Julie Uhrman and OUYA thought they could develop their product for. Keep in mind this portable product will be much smaller than the OUYA was ever planned to be.
The GameStick, like the OUYA, got funded very quickly and they still have a bit less than a month to pick up some extra pledges. In the last post about OUYA there was some concern about what happens next? Well, a part from the rather poor attempts from Julie to keep up the pulse of her funders. As a backer it is hard to understand how far they are in the process, since they seem to have left the idea of _only_ focusing on indie games. This is a personal interpretation by someone who has not studied strategy/product marketing, but it seem they are playing safe by placing the eggs in many baskets. When did this ever become a way to create novel products?
But this is not about the OUYA. Let us give the GameStick the benefit of the doubt and end with the same quest… So what happens now?