Nike+ FuelBand

January 19 2012

I’ve been working at a place called R/GA in New York for the past 3 months.

It’s been an intense and overwhelming new journey for me. I’ve had to work harder than I ever worked before and I’m learning a lot of new things about the commercial World of practice and theory. Working in an ‘interactive agency’ is very new compared with working at Ergonomidesign, Teague or the other more traditional Industrial Design consultancies we are familiar with. Our education in UmeÃ¥, due to its industrial design roots, prepares us to practice in an industrial design setting. Working in the agency format gives me a chance to compete among other backgrounds and skills and its actually quite challenging. The focus is a lot more on narrative, web, mobile, visual design and interaction design plays an ever-evolving role in their work equation.

A team I work closely with has just launched one of their biggest, top secret projects in recent years. It’s called the Nike+ Fuel Band and it monitors your body activity. It’s pretty cool albeit not the first in its space.

What I know is how much intensity and work it took to make it happen.

The team had to sweat blood for a year to bring this to market on schedule. Will see how it performs with fingers crossed and get me one asap!

January 19 2012

Uhm… is the advertising/digital industry corrupting you? I didn’t like the “compete among other backgrounds and skills”… ;)

January 19 2012

Hah, that was so Freudian! I meant collaborate. But it is pretty competitive in NYC to begin with… :) But all is love and peace.

January 20 2012
Jules permalink

Thanks for sharing this, Rahul. It was interesting reading your experiences!

January 20 2012

Nice project! I can imagine the frenzy to get this out to market quickly. It might look simple, but I there is nothing simple about it! That is where maybe industrial design has an edge: figuring out how to get an creative idea into millions people’s hands/life.

Can you put two (each arm) and have twice the points? Would be nice to have a headband version of this, Björn Borg style…

Take care in NYC and don’t work too much. Have a fika now and then.

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