IxD Fall Summit 2009, November 6-7-8

October 6 2009


Following the success of the Sensing And Sensuality Spring Summit, Umeå Institute of Design invites you to the

IxD Fall summit 2009, November 6-7-8 2009
One full day of talks + an incredible two-day of workshop with Fritzing.
Talks all day Friday. Workshop Saturday and Sunday (200 sek fee)

Preliminary list of speakers
German Leon
Vodafone User Experience (Germany)

David Rose
Vitality (USA)

Karsten Schmidt
PostSpectacular (UK)

Reto Wettach & André Knöring
Potsdam, Interaction Design Lab and Fritzing (Germany)

Jan-Christoph Zoels
Experientia (IT)

Clive Van Heerden
Philips design (ND)

More information to come.

October 6 2009

Yummy! Awesome lineup! I would love to attend…

October 6 2009
Mikko permalink

Meeeee tooooo! Unfortunately I already have plans for that weekend. Damn!

November 9 2009

[…] 2009 edition of the Fall Summit has come to an end yesterday. It was an intense three days of knowledge sharing and tinkering. All […]


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