New toys in the interaction workshop

January 28 2009

The interaction workshop is now the proud owner tons of new sound-making/tweaking toys! It is now, amongst others, equipped with an electric guitar (Squier Strat + a small amp), a synthesizer (mini Korg), and three new digital recorders!

Go have a look downstairs to get inspired and/or annoy the hell out of the other humans there with your obnoxious 80’s Van Halen-style guitar and synth solos.

January 28 2009
Mikko permalink

Maybe the fourth time writing this will do it. God damn Netlogon!!! As I was saying a nice audio editing software like Pro Tools or Audition on the BigMac would be the next step. Personally I prefer Audition, but Pro Tools is more… pro. And a good DAW to go with that. Ableton Live, anyone? Of course you can do it open source with Audacity, which is almost as good as Audition… butt…

January 28 2009
pea permalink

I know the school has bought Logic Pro and that it should arrive within the next week, or so.

January 28 2009

Yes, ableton live 8 is coming soon, with MAX for live (an MAX/MSP extension inside of Live).

February 5 2009
Camille Moussette permalink

Yeap, we have received our copy of Logic Pro, and are ordering educational version of Max/MSP and Ableton Live this week. Aslo, we are buying more headphones, microphones and small/personal mixers.

The Interaction Workshop will be a bit better off for experimenting with audio with these this new equipment.


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