Ubiquity for Firefox

September 29 2008


I’ve recently tried this Firefox application prototype called Ubiquity and I like what I see so far. I especially use the def-function and the wiki-function. Where ever I am on the internet and I find a word that I want explained, I simply highlight it and press Option+Spacebar and Ubiquity pops up and I just write def or wiki and I get the answer without having to leave the page I’m on.

September 29 2008
camille permalink

Yeah it’s quite nice but I feel it’s too limited to the browser. Check out Enso from Humanized, Aza Raskin’s startup before he moved to Mozilla Foundation.


It’s not out yet but the ambition is very attractive. Quicksilver + language = very nice. The Humanized site generates a couple of dead links, maybe they dropped development, who knows.


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