Please don’t touch

September 22 2008


(image source: CNN)

Do you fancy touch screens, new iphone and multi touch. read this article on CNN. This article talks about a touch less interface called AirStrike developed by a startup call LM3Labs. the company is planning to launch its first AirStricke enable laptop by next year. 

September 22 2008
Mikko permalink

Somehow i have a feeling that this will never kick off.
Engineers are just making these because they can, not because there is any demand for it. Besides your arm will get tired eventually.

September 22 2008
Camille Moussette permalink

Yeap, one of those technology driven interface, “because we can”. Here is Toshiba’s version:

Look how difficult it seems to control the laptop in a perfect location/situation….

Absolutely no feedback what so ever!

September 23 2008
sisir permalink

indeed, the question to ask is

“are interactions being created around a technology or technology around interactions”

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