Even more on social networking – Ambient Awareness

September 23 2008

The Fail Whale which appears when Twitter is over its capacity.

I have been thinking along the same lines as Mikko conserning these Social Networking/Ambient Awareness sites. Partly due to this and also the seemingly time consuming aspect of writing on people’s walls and sending virtual beers back and forth and whatnots, I’ve chosen not to step into the Facebook world (not to mention the whole Facebook monitoring my activities online). I don’t know how different the Facebook and Twitter experience really is but after trying Twitter, I must admit that I do love it. I love its simplicity, directness, versatility and limitations.

Instead of feeling like I’m creating a persona online that is false in some ways, I feel like its an opportunity to show a slightly different side of me that normally mostly happens inside my head. For me its more like a creative outlet. An opportunity to be creative with words. True that some of the Tweets (updates on Twitter) are very mundane but others are philosophical, hilarious, interesting or intriguing. Rather than only informing about what others are doing (an more importantly thinking) reading the very short posts make me even more interested in what that person is up to. Below some examples of some Tweets:

1. B in B after some left over sandwich from lunch.

2. After a period marked by adversities and mutual disdain, photoshop and i are starting to see eye to eye. a potential friendship perhaps?

3. Here is a link to this lovely game someone else posted and that I could enjoy!

September 23 2008
Mikko permalink

I do have a Facebook account, however I removed all the information from my account and left only one picture and my friends there. I feel that when I see my friends I can tell them what has happened to me in person is much more valuable than telling that in a tabloid style:
“Mikko is in Sweden, does not regret” And when I eventually meet my friends the sentence “Oh Yeah, I saw it on your Facebook” is not said.

September 23 2008
Stina permalink

See, now i’m curious about what you mean with “does not regret”! Well, like we say in Swedish: Smaken är som baken, delad” (Taste/preferences are like the ass, divided.)

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