by Roberto Christen

Dots is an effects controller that processes one or two video sources in real time. The inputs of the controller are on a physical device connected to a computer that is processing video. The keyboard and mouse are also used.

The purpose of this project was to serve as an introduction to programming with Processing,using hardware inputs and outputs.

Dots degrades the captured video by pixelating and limiting its color depth. A series of hardware knobs control various parameters that either further distort the image or add new artifacts on top of it. A single fader allows toggling between two video channels.

Dots uses a PhidgetLCD Interface Kit that includes 8 analog inputs (of which only 6 are currently used). The keyboard and mouse/trackpad serve as an additional input to control a base layer of visuals: the grid of dots that give this project its name.

It also accepts an audio input that adds yet another grid of dots that responds to that signal. That grid of dots can be controlled using a Monome 40h (further described in this report).

PDF project report: dots_roberto_christen_2008.pdf