4 PhD Positions at UID

December 21 2009

Youpi! Some PhD friends and colleagues on the way :-) It will be a real class now!

Umeå Institute of Design is currently looking for four doctoral candidates. The PhD positions are within the fields of product design, transportation design and interaction design. The application deadline is January 29th 2010 and the positions are scheduled to start February 15th 2010.

PhD position in Industrial Design with a focus on innovative transportation design

2 PhD positions in Industrial Design with a focus on Interaction Design for Mobile Services

PhD position in Industrial Design with a focus on Human-centered Product Design

February 24 2010

Hi. Do you know what happened with the applications? Have the results been published?

February 24 2010
Camille Moussette permalink

The review process is still underway as far as I know. If you have questions regarding your application, you can email Mikael Wiberg .

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