
May 24 2009

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

A documentary film by Jack Oatmon.

A look into the hardware hacking community in Montreal, including the Foulab collective. Why are more and more hobbyists experimenting with hacks and circuit bends? What relationship does this imply about consumer society and technological advancement? Is this a real-world analog of ‘user generated content’?

I have this idea that Interaction Design is not very present or recognized in Montreal (my hometown). It is not really true to be honest, I think it’s there and alive somehow, but not called Interaction Design. It’s fun and refreshing to see things like this popping up from back home too. I just wish this was happening 5 years ago. Home sweet home.

PS. Péa, you should check the group out this summer when you go back home.

May 24 2009

Sure will :-) Thanks for the link!

May 24 2009
Mikko permalink

Talking about repurposing old “junk” hardware: if you have an old iPod somewhere and really, really love the Kaossilator, then this is for you.
Get the iPodlinux here and then add some Pure Data in to the mix. Also I tried (and succeeded) using Pure Data on the Nokia tablet. Works beautifully.

May 24 2009
Mikko permalink

Ah.. youtube links don’t work on the comments.

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