Final push for Sportsfriends
Sportsfriends is compendium of four joyfully fun local multiplayer games for PlayStation 3 and home computers.
•   Johann Sebastian Joust – Douglas Wilson
•   BaraBariBall - Noah Sasso
•   Super Pole Riders - Bennett Foddy
•    Hokra - Ramiro Corbetta
They already exist as playable prototypes, and have been exhibited around the world at festivals and parties. They’ve received lots of honors and awards, including three IndieCade awards and the Innovation Award at the 2012 Game Developers Choice Awards. Most importantly, we know they’re super fun. Sony does too, and they’ve already given us the go-ahead to put Sportsfriends on the PlayStation 3!
It is now 5 hours left on the Kickstarter. Back them and let the world be a better place!