Breakout: Arduino + Javascript
Jeff Hoefs, formerly with Smart Design, now with Rockwell Group, is releasing a new Javascript framework to prototype stuff at the merger of the web and the physical. The platform is called Breakout and is best presented as follows:
Breakout is a prototyping tool for exploring the intersection of the web and the physical world. The popular Arduino platform and the Firmata protocol are leveraged to enable users to access physical input and output purely from javascript. This makes it easy for anyone familiar with javascript and basic web development to explore the possibilities of using physical I/O in their web applications. Furthermore, the Breakout framework includes a growing library of hardware abstractions such as buttons, leds, servo motors, accelerometers, gyros, etc enabling the user to easily interface with a range of sensors and actuators using just a few lines of javascript code. [from website]
It works across platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux) and on a large selection of desktop and mobile browsers. It supports many if not all Arduino boards and compatible ones, plus Teensy boards. Check the full requirements here. It has pretty nice filters to smooth data and trigger events easily.