Mazda’s Challenge & Inspire Competition

June 30 2011

Mazda is organizing the Challenge & Inspire 2011 Competition and is calling out to all art-lovers to share their most inspiring, innovative or creative ideas. By doing so they can win a trip to New York.

The European final will start in just a month’s time so to make sure you have the best chance of winning some of the amazing prizes, get involved right now!

Underneath you can find relevant information around the competition:

-       Competition Video:

-       Facebook:

-       Inspiration:

-       How does it work?

Be Inspired!

June 30 2011
Peter Sjöhav permalink

Jag ska börja tänka på en ny uppfinning på en gång och hoppas åka till New York!

June 30 2011

Jag har precis lagt upp min idé på facebooksidan :)

July 1 2011
Serge permalink

Det här ska jag säkert försöka vinna!

July 5 2011
mike andrews permalink

nice campaign, inspiring ideas on the facebook page too.

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