Hype / Creating HTML5 animations in a simple way

May 24 2011


Following on Mikko’s post a few days ago about Maqetta, I just got to see Hype a Mac application to prototype and create animations in HTML 5 websites with a similar interface as flash.

Hype, an application for creating HTML5 animations, has been launched by Y Combinator-funded company Tumult Inc.

Hype uses a keyframe animation system, much like Flash, and allows users to record motion and transitions easily. Hype’s scene editor runs by WebKit, one of the most advanced browser engines in terms of sheer HTML5 and CSS3 support.

This could be very interesting as a prototyping tool for Iphones and Ipads.

According to Tumult, Hype is for designers and Flash developers who need to be able to bring the capabilities of the older format to the modern web, and iOS in particular.

May 25 2011
Mikko permalink

Mac-only. Why? I will probably never afford one. Pass.

May 25 2011
Benjamin L permalink

Yeah, It also annoys me all this “apple exclusivity” thing! What a pity….

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