Are you ready to browse in your mirror while you brush your teeth?

September 4 2010

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

Some people think this is the future. I don’t think so. Please make sure this doesn’t become the way we deal with technology. Nice presentation video, but pretty lame ideas if you ask me. I know I’m quite harsh in my comment, but I know TAT has very clever people in-house, so I’m a bit surprised to see this coming as new and the future. I’ve seen a mirror-browsing project 4 years ago (students from Malmö amazingly), device stretching is a long-standing dream for many device manufacturers, and multi-devices sharing is at least 10 years old.


September 6 2010
Mikko permalink

I played around with a bunch of transparent touchscreens yesterday. Seriously, they are the worst thing ever. Although, they look good in Star Treks and promo videos, I can’t figure out any reason other than retail decoration why they should become mainstream.

September 6 2010

What was the problem with them? Finger prints? or just wierdo interaction?

September 6 2010
Mikko permalink

There wasn’t a lot of fingerprints, but the fact that you can see whatever is behind the screen at the same time you are looking at it was very distracting. You pretty much can’t see what’s happening on the screen when something else than pure black is behind it. One use I can think is layering that on top of another screen for that extra 3D effects, where the controls lay on the transparent screen and the action in the background screen. But the way that dude is working is working in the video with his chum, I’d say it’s pretty impossible, unless you have ADHD.

September 6 2010
Mikko permalink

I forgot to say that the reason why you can’t see anything is something that isn’t these “future” scenario videos. It’s the fact that you project solid graphics on a piece of glass. Meaning that whatever assets you have on the screen are also translucent. This makes it look really bad and confusing

September 6 2010

Mikko, that is for traditional projection. OLED display generates the light directly from the substrate. It doesn’t mean there isn’t any issue with the transparency + background noise. It gets messy with non-stable background image, it will be all about signal-to-noise ratio. Check the few video from CES 2010 or other tech demos for “transparent screen” to see how bad it is. It sure looks futuristic, gizmonesque, and this technology will find it’s way in the market in one way or another. But I bet a few krona that no one will have this for their workstation at work. I just don’t see the point of having transparency when you want to seriously see things on your screen.

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