Sketching Multimodal and Haptic Interfaces

May 17 2010

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Our sensorial system is our interface to the world. It is trough and with our senses that we can perceive, reason and exchange with external systems, living or not. Our professional and personal activities are made of rich and complex sensorial experiences, spanning on different stimulus and modalities.

Up to now, the repertoire of input and output forms generally found in human-device interfaces have been usually centered on vision and to some extend audition. Despite decades of research and development, very few systems or devices today go beyond these two senses and truly offer rich multimodal interaction. Why is that so?

This presentation will explore the opportunities and challenges related to developing new multimodal interfaces specifically based on the touch sense. It will present various methods, techniques, tools and processes that interaction designers can use to assess, sketch, create and evaluate dynamic haptic and multimodal interfaces.

May 17 2010

Issh, not the best video frame to make a screenshot, or just not the best dude in the picture…

May 21 2010
Dan Cristea permalink

Tres interessant Camille, j’aime bcp la definition de “Prototyping” que tu a mentionee dans ton discours. Ca m’intrigue bcp ton experiment avec l’eau etant un millieu d’interaction. Je suis sure qu’il y a de quoi de tres interessant a developer la ce sujet.

May 21 2010
moydi permalink

Umm its not about dude, Dude is good!!! Its about the water interface…we all remember that piece ( Sound of motor & efforts behind the project ). The experiment was not successful but concept is good!

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