CHI 2010 highlights

April 27 2010

April is CHI season and this year the 2010 conference was held in Atlanta in the US. I haven’t attended the event but most people I talked to appreciated it. Here are some hightlights and interesting/funny bits for IxD.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it’s missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe. This error may appear if the URL path to the embedded object is broken or you have connectivity issue to the embedded object. Powered BY XVE Various Embed.

There is more media coverage listed on the official site and the CHI2010 Madness Youtube page.

May 3 2010

Hej! På torsdag har avgångsklasserna på Medieinstitutet & Medieskolan slututställning. Om ni befinner er i Stockholm då vore det kul om ni ville komma förbi och ta en titt på våra slutprojekt, lyssna på paneldiskussioner och ta en fika med oss! Mer info på Mvh, Lorraine Sauvy

May 7 2010

The guy in the first video was in TEI too, he’s done awesome work. I really like the concepts he’s been working on for “privacy RFIDs”.

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