Yet Another Blog Award.

March 11 2010

Our blog does not exist to be acknowledged, patronized or awarded. 

However it still is fun to know that people are interested in our rants, raves and musings.


via YABA’s website.

We received news that 3rd place doesnt get us any money or medals.
There would be free glory in the form of free beers, but both Lena and I are a bit tied up with work so wont be attending.

On a more reflective note: I think the occassion begs a discussion on what we’re hoping to do more/less of with the blog.

I do believe that recent posts and discussions by Mikko, Camille, Roberto are exactly the kinds of voices we need to be through the blog.

Personally I’d hope to see more personal projects, ideas, reflections (rants of course!) and discussions materialize through the blog.

Would be nice to hear what others feel?

March 11 2010
Mikko permalink

Free beer! I wish I was in Stockholm. I feel that this should evolve towards a place of discussion, rather than links of the latest Augmented Reality devices (I’m guilty of those as well). Maybe it’s just me though, and true personal projects and thoughts are most welcome. People and their views are more interesting than gadgets and stuff.

March 11 2010

Cheers to that. I second Mikko’s proposal (more thought + projects, less (en)gadgets).

March 11 2010

3rd place it better than 4th! I’m happy we even made it to the short list actually.

For the curious out there: this blog now has ~4000 visits and ~6000 pageviews per month, and has successfully gathered and digested 22980 Spam comments so far. I wonder how much of those visits/pageviews are actual humans getting hit by pixtons (pixel + photon made-up word).

I have been secretly elaborating in my mind a proper “Projects” section for the site. It’s nowhere close to being materialized or even working. Saying that I’ve been dreaming about its code structure would make me way too geeky. Let’s say I have been brainstorming alone about it.

So, CHEERS to everyone for making it what it is today. GLUP, GLUP GLUP (drinking red wine)

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