Another fun take on AR

February 4 2010

This is most likely what it would be like.

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via Next Nature

February 5 2010
pepe permalink

so that´s how the ‘cloud’ its going to look like…
The video its super nice, well done, interesting, clever way to show a scenario, I like it a lot.

On the other hand, the idea of “robocoping” our vision sounds for me a bit redundant, like those japanese scientist that spend their lives trying to make an artificial arm work as a human arm…. using their human arm to build it.

Are we really going to find useful having a superposed interface on top of all the other interfaces that we have in front of us everyday?

I guess right now we have some kind of windows to access to the cloud (mobile, computers, ipads :), etc.) but maybe later we are going to have a faster way to access attached to our brains, like the video showed.

Anyway, old topics but the video is great.

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