Windows 7 is coming! Throw a party…

September 29 2009

Clever viral marketing or “the most nauseating advert in history” [The Guardian] ?

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September 29 2009
Mikko permalink

That Guardian article is the funniest ever, he’s so right as well. Whether the ad is a viral or the real deal, it’s terrible, awful, not funny, “shitasmic”.

September 29 2009
Mikko permalink

Sweet Jesus! It’s real! There is over one hundred more of these videos. They are all equally bad. I’m not sending the link for the sake of everyone’s mental health.

September 29 2009
jordi.parra permalink

They even disabled the comments on youtube. I guess they were expecting tons of “wtf is this!”

September 29 2009
brown permalink

“OH! YOU WENT STRAIGHT TO THE ACTIVITY!!?” I’m going to start saying that to my cat every chance I get.

September 29 2009
Lena permalink

Did they want people to get it, or scare them away for long enought time so they can fix the problems with it before the witch hunt starts?
This is more disturbing than 7th heaven(the series)

September 30 2009

Where is this party held? I have herd it is somewhere in IOWA. Please provide more information over it.

September 30 2009

This has to be the most annoying ad of all time. I cant wait for Apple to screw this one!

September 30 2009
Mikko permalink

@rahul. i guess you didn’t read the guardian article……

October 1 2009

@mikko :D now i read it. I still cant wait for Apple to screw this ad. I am shameless and I should just go home!

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