The All Observing Green Tweeter

October 25 2010

Following the kickoff for the mobile hacking course of the experience prototype block for the Second Year IXD’ers, it may well be of interest to study the following experimental take on planting technology on a tree and have it communicate back to the world a series of observation, among them live footage, recording the sounds around it, and qualifying the environment around it (surely there’s a lot of data accumulated by now). It also tweets and has a soundcloud account.

I sincerely hope we never get to a point where we do not relate to nature as having a personality and voice of itself; yet giving this second voice augmented by us, we may all be attent from wherever we want to be. So what happens when we apply this technology to our domestic technology?

Interesting video in the making of this project:

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Talking Tree – Making of from Tom on Vimeo.

Everybody has an opinion on Nature. But what about Nature’s opinion?

EOS magazine decided to give Nature the means to talk.

A 100 year old tree, living on the edge of Brussels, was hooked up to a fine dust meter, ozone meter, light meter, weatherstation, webcam and microphone. This equipment constantly measures the tree’s living circumstances. And translates this information into human language. Then, the tree lets the world know how he feels. Follow the life of the talking tree via YouTube, Flickr and Soundcloud. And friend him on Facebook.

October 28 2010

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kieran Nolan, Design via Mattias. Design via Mattias said: […]

November 4 2010
sorchilL permalink

lovely idea :)
would be nice to have a talking animal too!

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