Fall Summit 2009 and Experience prototyping course recaps

November 9 2009


The 2009 edition of the Fall Summit has come to an end yesterday. It was an intense three days of knowledge sharing and tinkering. All the talks were great—we hope to share them publicly within the next few weeks—as was the 2-day Fritzing workshop led by André Knörig, Reto Wettach and our own Camille Moussette, who we could never thank enough for making all of this happen.

Matt Cottam, who also helped orchestrating the Summit, has a great collection of photos from the conference day up on his Flickr page.

Yesterday also marked the last day of IxD2’s grueling but ever so satisfying Experience prototyping course. This infamous “techy” course that is of a 5-week duration started very low-tech with a full week of stop-motion video with Julien Vallée. The second week was dedicated to playing around—and generally refamiliarize ourselves—with Phidgets, Arduino and Processing, as well as studying literature on the topic of sketching in hardware with Camille. Over the third week we hacked iPhones and iPod Touches with the NADAmobile/Tellart workshop with Matt Cottam and Brian Hinch. The fourth week was a hodgepodge of playing around with multitouch tables for three days with Ru Zarin, and then being introduced to the DMX protocol and wireless technologies such as Xbee with Camille. On the fifth and final week, it was all about systems thinking and it’s translation into code (using mainly Processing) with Karsten Schmidt. Phew!

All in all, I think all of us in IxD2 can say that these five weeks were simply awesome. We learned a lot. Thanks to UID and—again—Camille, for making all of this happen.

Photos of the “code week with Karsten” and of the Fritzing workshop after the jump.

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