The edge

April 7 2009

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The following video is the result of a minor workshop conducted by Niklas today. As a class, we produced in groups each a sketch revolving around public and private spaces. Amid, Lena and I have approached the assignment with emphasis on perspective. The short sketch aims to narrate how a relationship could be told without the revelation of a character.

April 7 2009
Amid permalink

Guys I am Ok, dont worry, I got released from Hospital this afternoon and hopefully can join you soon! a little bit hurt emotionally… the movie itself speaks!!!

April 8 2009

Love this one! Great job team!
I’d been planning on using a similar approach to tell the story of Identity, without revealing the facial identity of the people I was planning to use. The feet idea is great. I’ll probably do a lot of over the shoulder camera work – but this is very inspiring too! Might borrow some snippets as ideas :)

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